Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Thomas Raetzsch

~Michael Thomas Raetzsch~

Dearest Michael,

It's almost two and a half weeks since we lost you. We really miss you. Our lives will never be the same without you. We may never understand why we lost you at such a young age. We will never forget you.

Your Cousin,

Laura Tomorrow, this Sunday, The Harleys, a charity band, will be playing a benefit concert in honor of Michael at Central Park in Seguin. The concert will begin at 7 and they are taking donations to open up a new skate park. Skate boarding was a passion of Michael's. For more imformation, go to:

To sign Michael's guest book, go to Click on Michael Raetzsch which is on the right of the webpage.

Please continue to pray for Michael's family and friends especially his parents, Tommy and Beth, his sister, Amy, his best friend/my brother Andrew, and his girlfriend, Kat.


Sara said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Laura!

annalee said...

i can't imagine all the thoughts going through your family right now. just said a prayer for healing.