Friday, July 1, 2011

ruidoso rendezvous, part 2

the next day, adam and i took a drive to the white sands national park.

we had a lot of fun sliding on the sand!

king of the hill...

the sand was quite hot as it was 105 that day.

adam wanted to stop at a zoo in alamogordo. if you know me, you know that i don't get overly excited about animals. however, this zoo was different. it even excited me! it was a quiant, little zoo that's been open since 1892 and the animals were all very unique, most of them almost extinct.

we also had some intriguing stops along the way in the indian reservation that you drive through to get to white sands. we went to an indian museum run by the native apaches. i liked that the museum was reflective of the native americans' perspective.

a modern-day tipi that the apaches were staying in during a muliple day celebration.

day 3, we decided not to rush around so much. first, we went on a hike and had a picnic.

that afternoon, we went to the ruidoso downs horse rases.

i really didn't think i would be much of a fan especially because i am not at all a fan of gambling, but i must admit i had a really good time at the races. here i am "studying" the stats to pick what horse i wanted to put money on!

i loved when i actually "won" or picked the right horse! it only happened once though. heh.

day 4, we went on a hike again.

then, adam went back to the races while i walked around downtown ruidoso and "windowshopped."

he got some cool action shots of the race.

unfortunately, the national forest was closed while we were on our trip and most of the roads that are in the mountains are part of the forest. luckily, on the last day of our trip, we did find a road in the mountains that was still open to take a scenic drive on. good-bye ruidoso! 'til we meet again!


Christina said...

Looks like you had a blast! The sand sliding looks like a lot of fun!

Robin said...

Love all your vacation pics! So fun!