Monday, January 5, 2009

tonsil update

just updating to share more about my tonsil removal adventure!

it has been 18 days since my tonsils were removed and i still have the following symptoms: sore throat but not TOO bad, achiness/tiredness, can only eat soft foods such as yogurt, grits, soup, cream of wheat, bread, some noodles (this, of course, hasn't stopped me from trying other foods that aren't soft but whenever i do, it never fails to set me back), and an extremely unclear voice that mystified my students today. they had no idea what i was saying. needless to say, i had to leave work early and get a substitute. the hardest part is having to miss work.

i called the doctor, who conveniently went on VACATION for the past 2 WEEKS and therefore, hasn't been able to see me yet. he's finally back from his vacation (which i think christmas break is a bizarre time for an ENT doctor to take a TWO week vacation as the friday before christmas is probably the busiest time for an ENT). his nurse said he wants me to come in tomorrow instead of my set appointment on thursday to see if i have a possible infection. i wonder if possibly getting to see my doctor sooner like you are supposed to after a tonsillectomy would have helped any possible infection?? i am almost completely sure.

however, so is life. i am really not complaining because i know this is temporary. instead, i am thankful for my health and all of the luck that i have had. i certainly can't complain.


Deb said...

I am so sorry it has been a yucky recovery. I really hope they figure it out for you.

Sara said...

I hope you don't have an infection! Speedy recovery to you!