Wednesday, January 28, 2009

THE lucky one

somehow, by God's grace and lots of prayers, i am THE lucky one.

my voice didn't have to get better. it did.

my palate didn't have to show progress in healing. it did.

my hypernasality didn't have to improve. it did.

my hoarseness didn't have to get better. it did.

this freak accident experience may not seem like much to you, but it could have been. it isn't anymore.

after 3+ weeks of trying to speak to a class of 5-year-olds all day long with not much to work with in the throat, i can now speak. in my eyes, it's a miracle. i can speak without being worn out. it is not painful to speak anymore.

how did i get so lucky when so many people live in pain or live with a disability? i don't really know. i just know that i am forever grateful to a healing God who gives us hope.

note: the right side of my palate (the top of my mouth) isn't fully functioning and moving quite yet, but it sure is on its way!


Wendy said...

That is so wonderful to hear! Happy speaking!

annalee said...

what a blessing to be healing so well! i'm glad your kids can fully hear your sweet voice again!

Sara said...

I'm glad you're on the mend!

Deb said...

Yay!! I am so glad that your voice is improving.