Monday, January 19, 2009

Popcorn and a Movie...Or Two

i don't watch movies that often but in the past month, i have seen a few, all of which i enjoyed! one that CANNOT be missed is...
SLUM DOG MILLIONAIRE. i don't want to give it away, but the directors did a beautiful job of adding some humor to a very dramatic movie that takes place in the slums of india. watching it was such a cultural experience. it really opened my eyes to extreme poverty and made me so appreciative of my american life.
just a cute movie.
another drama and cultural movie about asain immigrants. again i couldn't help but be thankful for my american life. movie version of the broadway show. great music. at first, i didn't know what to think of the singing but ended loving it. plus, the setting is greece--got to love that!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I really liked Mama Mia too, but they couldn't find another middle aged cute actor that could sing - Pierce Brosnan just cannot sing!