Sunday, October 17, 2010

A "Sweet" Shower

cowtown was a callin'! {for those of you who don't know...cowtown=fort worth}
the occasion: a bridal shower for christina
the location: sara's beautiful home!
the hostesses: me and sara! the time and date: an almost perfect but just a tad bit too hot, fall afternoon
food served: a variety of desserts including miniature creme brulees, miniature cheese cakes, blondies, and a fresh fruit.
guests grubbin'
guests smilin' and...
guests gabbin'
christina, her mom, her future mother-in-law and her future grandmother-in-law. it was great to meet some of jason's family!
everyone seemed to have a good time, so i would give the shower an A+. thanks so much, sara, for hosting it!!
what a gift to have friends like these.

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